
IMG_0009s 上上星期六重返童年跟朋友一道去觀賞 『綠野仙蹤』音樂劇。Drama Centre Theatre戲劇院裡面塞滿了小朋友跟家長還有少數像我們這樣的獨立大人,感覺彷彿來到兒童樂園。這是一齣由新加坡當地演員與國外藝人合作的音樂劇為期將近一個月,每天下午及傍晚各一場,場次相當密集卻依然還是場場爆滿。

綠野仙蹤雖然是世界兒童名著但其實因為距離童年已經年代久遠早就忘了故事是什麼!觀賞前還連忙去找相關故事情節跟音樂劇裡面的歌曲試聽溫習一下。雖然談不上童心未泯,但是能再度看到輕快幽默的童話音樂劇感覺真的挺開心的。『綠野仙蹤』講的是一個家的重要性的概念搭配上魔法世界的冒險故事,故事中Dorothy這個小女生因為跟照顧他的叔父阿姨賭氣離家出走被龍捲風帶去一個奇幻世界,種種奇遇讓他遇到了想得到頭腦的稻草人、想尋找勇氣的獅子跟想得到一顆心的錫人。最終Dorothy的新朋友們其實並沒有得到大法師的魔法幫助但卻因為種種經歷認清自己原來已經擁有自己想要的東西卻沒有自覺。故事傳達給觀眾們(主要是小朋友們啦) 的一個是從自身尋找自我潛能;一個則是There is nowhere like home的理念。其實到種種經歷中稻草人早已經用他的腦袋解決了許多問題,但他卻不自知依舊期望有一個魔法無邊的大法師可以給他一個腦袋。當稻草人說我沒腦袋所以不能談論事情,隨即又轉換念頭說:不過這世界上很多不用腦的人也可以說出一堆長篇大論來...講的太實在了全場哄堂大笑。獅子因為從小被萬獸之王的父親寄予厚望反而膽小沒自信,但為了友情展現出無限的勇氣;錫人雖然沒得到一顆心卻能體會Dorothy歸心似箭的思鄉之情跟對家人的想念,事實上錫人早已經能在生命的歷程中獲得感動。

音樂劇裡面的名曲‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’歌詞裡面重滿了對美麗世界的期望。看完後好幾天這首歌仍然餘音繞樑經常在腦海中出現。我覺得我們每個人都是Dorothy想要出去冒險又遠離家鄉;但離開家後又開始了解到 There is nowhere like home。在外面的世界裡有許多各式各項的朋友可以相互無扶持相互激勵;也許我們都在尋找智慧找勇氣跟體驗喜怒哀樂。我們的冒險旅程也許有一天也會在開始想家時劃下一個句點吧。



A huge hit with children, teens, adults and families alike for generations, audiences will now have the unique chance to see The Wizard of Oz come to Technicolor life on stage this October! Adapted direct from the MGM motion picture, with script developed by John Kane and the Royal Shakespeare Company, it promises hours of fun for all!
The story of Dorothy and her friends, and their struggle to find what they feel is missing in their lives will touch a chord for many people. As you watch, their journey through Oz reveals the true characters of Dorothy’s companions - Tin Woodman, the most tender and emotional; Scarecrow, the wisest, and Cowardly Lion, the bravest. However, Dorothy’s desire to escape from the hopeless monotony of Kansas brings her only trouble and leads her through many dangers, until she too realises that what she is seeking is only a heartbeat - or a click of the heels away. In this magical journey through Oz I Theatre seeks to address our insecurities and reaffirm the uniqueness and value of every individual.
Featuring unforgettable songs ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’, ‘Follow the Yellow Brick Road’ and ‘We’re Off to See the Wizard’, this will be a rare opportunity to experience this spell-binding musical live on stage! With such a huge classic brought to life in Singapore, there’s no need to look Over The Rainbow for a fabulous time of family fun!
Original Story written by: L. Frank Baum
Music & Lyrics by: Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg
Adapted by: John Kane for Royal Shakespeare Company
Directed by: Brian Seward
Mariel Reyes, Timothy Nga, Dwayne Lau, Robert Jenkin, Josephine Tan, Rayann Condy, Gene Sharudyn, Eleanor Tan, Trey Ho, Audrey Luo, Daphne Ong, Hang Qian Chou, Geraldine Yeoh, Tay Keng Lim, Pamela Chong, Sirfan Sulami & Toto.

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