目前分類:音楽 (3)

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桑田佳祐的Rock每次聽都有一種很開心很開心,又很振奮的感覺。他的歌聲具有特殊的亮度跟磁性,他的歌總是讓人或精神一振或感動不已。他的真夏の果実、メロディ被日本國內和亞洲各地無數歌手翻唱過,即使沒聽過日文原曲的人也一定都聽過其他翻唱版本。我喜歡他的每首歌:心を込めて花束を、明日晴れるかな、メロディ、涙のキス、真夏の果実、Tsunami…等等等難以計數。2008年南方之星サザンオールスターズ宣布2009年起無限期停止活動的時候還超級震驚了一下。 2010年桑田佳祐宣布罹患早期食道癌,休息了一陣子,不過他可沒離開舞台,經過食道癌手術跟休養他又回來啦。

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tray Caught up with the final 2nd  show in Indoor stadium, I went to see the Musical of Notre Dame. The audience was more than I expected. Though the stadium seemed to be too empty and simple for the musical performance.  Some local audience still needs more education about manners in this kind of place. People came in casual as if they were going to the movies. They ate sandwiches and drank coca cola in the theater. This is an old problem I have noticed here. Even in Esplanade concert hall, some people wear in sandals and cross and shake legs.  That's not illegal but it is about proper manners.

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3rd week of Mar is the Mosaic Music Festival in Sg. This is a fantastic and exciting season for music. A lot of good musicians and singers came from all over the world. Last nite we headed for the NYC Urban beats. It is a program for a Chill group called Si*Se’. Combined of soul and hi-hop and latin style, with the renovation of the theater studio in to a music bar concept, the audience drink, chat and dance with the music and songs. It was a great night. To keep a note of it, I copied the group’s information.


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